Blipaholic Deb

By BlipaholicDeb

Rain, Rain go away

Come again another day.
I've had enough,
this should be June!
I hope the sun's back
Pretty Soon!!

It's rained non-stop here for the past few days. I know we needed it, my grass is looking much better now but enough is enough. Just a few hours for me to dry my washing please!

I didn't make it to R's football presentation last night and guess what, he got 'Managers Player of the season', so proud of him but absolutely gutted I wasn't there and feeling like a terrible mummy!

I think it's the Ibruprofen making me feel like a zombie, so I have cut it out today and managed (barely!) on just the anadin. Still tired (had a little nap this afternoon!) but definitely feeling a bit better, maybe tomorrow will be better still.

Hope you've all had a great weekend. Will catch up on comments soon x

btw Can you tell that M did not want to be Mummy's blip tonight?

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