Lali's World

By Lali

A very small bicycle

I saw this bike on my way to the gym and I couldn't resist the temptation to take a picture of it. This tiny childs' bike secured to a fence looks so cute!

So, in case you were a bit misled by my picture, my bike hasn't shrunk, I haven't painted it yellow and blue, and it hasn't lost its pedals! Hahaha!

Yes, I went to the gym. Woke up a bit low spirited but decided to go to the gym. I'm glad I did because I feel much better for it. In much higher spirits and facing the world with a completely different mind. That's why I enjoy going to the gym, it just makes me a happier and more positive person! I wanted as well to cycle to Crammond along the beach, but I didn't for three two reasons:

- I didn't want to overdo it. I did quite a lot in the gym today.
- It was cloudy and looked like it might rain
- I was just lazy

I will definitely go tomorrow if the weather is nice.

I did a clean up of my wardrobe as well, getting rid of clothes that were too old for wear, which, in a way, is good for the soul as well.

Exercising and keeping busy are great for getting rid of all those stupid and useless thoughts that bring you down! I might try meditation next!

Off tomorrow again, which is a good thing.

Thanks very much for all your messages of support and comments. I really appreciate them! I hope you all had a very nice day! :)

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