In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Happy un Fathers Day

So we had it all planned.
Today was the neighbourhood cleaning day, where everyone has to get up at 6am and go and pick up litter and pull out the weeds at the local park (only the Japanese could come up with such a masochistic way to spend a Sunday morning!)
So we had Daddy primed to go and represent our family. Mairi: "I have to deal with the dog", mummy: "I have a sore shoulder, ouch ouch, I can't do it".
As soon as he left, we sprang into action, cooking up a very rare real breakfast, with freshly baked croissants and everything, and making our father's day card.

Foiled again. It started raining and he came back 15 minutes later. We soldiered on however giving him jobs to keep him out of the living room until we had set up our surprise. He played along, and was suitably impressed.

All wonderful, until we realised in the middle of breakfast that Fathers Day is not until next week!


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