
By ausmossie

The Old and the Young

I think this is a wonderful example of China. The board you can see is a Chinese Chess board. I have no idea how to play the game but it is very popular on the streets. Quite often, a large crowd will gather to watch two (usually men) players playing their game. There was no crowd to watch this game. No applause for the winner.. In fact, the board is ready to start a new game, but just look at it!

The old man at the table has obviously played a few games in his time and he is explaining something to the people around the board. They were entranced by what he had to say,. There was almost a reverent feeling when I looked at them. I particularly like the expression of the young guy squatting. To me, it is one of admiration and joy. He is just happy to be there, talking to this old man about the Chess game.

I am not sure about other places, but the ones I have seen, there isn't such a feeling between old people and young people. Maybe between relatives but not so much with strangers. I think old people everywhere love to tell and teach and pass on their experience but I am not sure how often the young people listen or even care. From what I have seen in China, that is not the case. Just look at the face of that young guy and you can see it.

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