Bill The Cat

By billthecat

Too Cloudy

Original entry for Saturday was suspended, due to being predominantly made up of image from the 70s, oops. May try again today.

So this is a simpler affair on this weeks WBC theme of Time. Shame it wasn't shining so I could actually tell the time.

Sundials have been used for thousands of years to tell the time. Early examples are Obelisks from 3500 BC. Expect the accurate time only mattered once people started arranging meetings.

And some pointless facts. The light on this day took 7 minutes and 51 seconds to get from the sun to hit the sundial. If it had been December it would have got to me 14 seconds quicker due to the elliptical orbit of the earth around the sun.
it then took a measly 0.000000002 seconds to reflect off this brassy object and hit my eye.

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