MoonKats Pixels

By GailJones


I'm a bad blipper again- lots of photos and no upload... So why tonight I hear you ask?

I've spent the day creating and designing wedding bears for someone who is getting married in September- remember armless bear? Well I now have armless and legless bear.. Almost decent ;)

So? The reason why I am blipping when I haven't all week? A friend wanted me to come out for a meal with a mutual friend she likes but won't admit it... Chaperone? I think so!! Happy sitting there ( waiting as they are late) in the cold (outside table- bbrrrr) my dear husband has a work issue (he's on call- ggrrr) and had to pop home-so here I am ....

On my own... :( cold, lonely & hungry....

Plus side? (there is always a plus side) ....

I ... have... wine ;)

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