Oh so tempting....
Mum had a teaparty for a few of the nice ones from her old work today. She made lots of cupcakes and laid the table up all pretty. Her cupcakes are nowhere near as good as The Baking Bird's but she is hoping to go on a course soon to improve her skills!
I came in and was sniff sniff sniffing the air and really couldn't resist jumping up to try and steal one. Hee hee. Mum caught me in the act though so I didn't get very far. Boooo!
When everybody arrived I was EVERSO excited. I had my bandana on and was looking very smart. I tried jumping up at everyone so I had to leave the room :-( A couple of them are not keen on puppys like me and I am supposed to be learning not to jump up, but they were all making such exciting noises about me that I got a bit over excited! Oops!
So this time instead of me being put in the kitchen they shut themseves behind the baby gate and I laid on the carpet in the hallway with my nose poking through watching them all eating the very yummy cakes. I was VERY jealous.
I was VERY lucky though because Daddy took me on a lovely long walk and I went SWIMMING in the river. YAY! I was showing him how I jump really far off the edge of the bank and will swim right out for the ball. The only thing is that daddy forgot about my swimming toys, I really wanted to show him how I play with them, so perhaps he will take me again tomorrow :-)
I was really happy this morning because I checked Molly the gorgeous collie's blip and I see that she got my secret suprise gift and really likes it! I was quite jealous of her having a lovely beach to play with it on! I will have to get mum to take me really soon :-)
Bye for now
Lily xxx
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