michigan man

By outdoorguy

Flower Power

I used to laugh at guys who I saw at garden centers with their wives. I would listen in as they said, "Honey...don't you think we need a little more color by the fence? OR " Did you get 3 different colors of peppers?" OR "Darling, these petunias are almost as pretty as you." C'mon...please spare me. I was there strictly being the driver, and the loader of the plants into the van. I never said it out loud, but I thought said guys were pantywaists.

NOW...last week I went to 2 different garden centers BY MYSELF!! I carefully selected a variety of tomatoes, and, yes, I did get 3 different colors of peppers.
I still don't know the different kinds of flowers. I just buy them because they're pretty.

I take a daily morning walk to survey my grounds. I check on the daily growth of my Foxglove. I love the color and the "spots", but still can't figure out why a fox would put them on his hands. I saunter over and check my tomatoes. "I think the Roma grew a half-inch last night." I check my peppers and squash to see if any "wascally wabbits" have infiltrated my complex system of sticks and chicken wire. I almost yell at my new butterfly bush. "HOW AM I GOING TO ATTRACT MONARCHS IF YOU WON"T GROW? I take a deep breath, tone it down, and quietly thank the myrtle and the snow on the mountain for faithfully coming back each year.

I think you get the picture. People can change. I wish I could do more. When I work and weed in my backyard too much... my lower back begins to "talk" to me. (Old postal injury. 5 weeks of sick-leave.) Sometimes I listen and quit...sometimes I work on, and then complain the rest of the day and night.

My big computer is fixed. A nasty virus that Uncle Steve took off. I'm glad that you can't "see" through my computer, because, now...AS THE PROUD OWNER OF A MINI FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN...I am adjusting the waist of my panties. (Insert a fake sob or two.) I am one of those guys.

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