Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

The bait box

I didn't realise until after I'd bought this, years ago, that it was meant to hold fishing bait rather then sewing stuff. But no matter, it still does the job.

I think I've done more sewing in the last few months than I have in ages. The two main projects I've been working on, with some chums from the choir and others, have been two gorgeous banners. The Sing with Pride banner which was finished a few months ago and the Norwich Pride banner that is nearly finished.

We need to get a bit of a move on with the Pride banner as it's being taken down to London for London Pride on the 2nd July.

We've yet to sort out the carrying poles for both banners, which will be a laugh. One of my chums, Di, had a very successful rummage around leftover debris at a music festival recently and came away with a variety of cast-off tent poles. There are bound to be some that will be just perfect!

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