Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Tea break

I allowed myself a little tea break today when baby was having his morning sleep and daughter was at nursery. I of course felt terribly guilty, as there was (and still is) a huge pile of ironing, toilets to clean, floors to mop etc. However, it dawned on me yesterday that the school year is nearly over and I will be returning to work soon. So, I thought instead of trying to be a domestic goddess, I'm going to try and relax and enjoy the next few weeks.

Problem is, I'm not very good at relaxing or sitting still. Ah ha, I know I can blip my BCT (Brussels Childbirth Trust) mag, as to my immense surprise, they used a photo that I took of my daughter, on their front cover! I joined the BCT when we arrived in Brussels 10 months ago as I'd heard it was a good way to find out what was going on for children and also a good way to meet people. It is run completely by volunteers who work incredibly hard. I've helped at a few events and said I'd take some photos, along with a number of other people with nice cameras. I guess we all just like taking photos, so for us it's not like we're really putting ourselves out.

Still, I'm not going to deny that I was quite chuffed when we received our magazine through the post.

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