
By mollyblobs


Thanks to everyone who wished Ben well today - I think all those positive thoughts must have had a good effect! I was a bit apprehensive when I went in to wake him at 6.15am, and my heart sank when he revealed he hadn't managed to get any sleep at all.

But we had a relaxed journey down and enjoyed watching all the people hurrying from Cambridge station to schools and work, so his anxiety levels didn't get a chance to build up. He seemed more relaxed when he went in, having gone through the routine on Monday, and when he came out he was actually smiling. The paper went well and there were no really horrid questions.

He's now relaxing (in front of a computer) and we're about to have a celebratory Chinese meal - for us the fact that he managed to take the exam is more important than whether he passes it!

I felt quite drained after all the emotional ups and downs, and took some time out for a quiet walk along the river. There wasn't much about (it was a bit grey and drizzly) but I did come across a big bank of goatsbeard seedheads. so that had to be my blip. I love the way that each seed is attached to a concave parachute, which is actually held together by an intricate web of fine hairs.

When I came home I also photographed a beautiful green shiny mint beetle, busy nibbling on a leaf of water mint. I've uploaded that to my Blipfolio and you can see it here.

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