Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


I know this is a little out of focus but I really like the creamy-like texture of it!

I've had a busy day today sorting out and tidying up after the last two very busy weeks. After being on holiday last week I haven't really had time to sort anything out before I launched into interview preparation so the house is a bit of a mess, there's still washing everywhere and I still have one bag unpacked from holiday! I also had a good cry at lunch time - at a soap I'm afraid to say - but I'm trying to catch up on Emmerdale and the whole Jackson assisted suicide episode left me sobbing! (I know - I'm a big wus!!)

I'm feeling a lot more positive today about the whole job application process - thank you all for your kind, encouraging comments. This morning I booked some visits to see about other jobs and I'm more determined than ever!

Have a great weekend everyone, I can't believe that Friday afternoon is here already!

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