
By murraymonster


A bit of experimentation tonight, inspired, weirdly, by my son's bonkers nose bleed this evening. This is the result (along with these). I chose to post this picture for tonight's blip, but feel free to let me know which of the others you like, Bliplanders. :-) They are all ink, dropped in to water...and no fancy Photoshop shenanigans.

An average sort of a day for me - not firing on all cylinders after the last 3 days, and I'm not the only one! A pretty crappy day for C as she had her interview this morning. The run up has been tough and there will be more rubbish times to come before things improve. Will be good for her to know where she stands as soon as possible so that she can start to plan her future. I know it will all work out well in the end - it's just the hell that has to be endured along the way that is tough to deal with!

Stay positive, Lovely! x


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