A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Anna on Thursday

When I get bored of my little hang out time with A on a Thursday waiting to pick J up from chess club is probably when I'll stop blipping them. We were playing a game where I write her a list of stuff with missing letters that she has to fill in. This is when I made her say 'pants'. Guaranteed giggle. Didn't make her spell scatological, although she does love to say it which makes me happy. When J was two I used to teach him and his friends to say oesophagus. Really children are toys.

Rest of the day was perfectly middling; could have been better, certainly could have been worse. As Sven Goran Erikkson allegedly said, "you're never as good as you think you are and never quite as bad as you think you are."

Now I have a lovely evening ahead with a delicious chicken dish courtesy of the Guardian's midweek supper recipe and as many West Wings as we can stay awake for.

Lesley x

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