Baby Dreams

By babydreams

Making Babies

I've been meaning to blip this for a while now. This is a picture of all the test sticks I used in the cycle I conceived. The cycle days are written on the sticks. Here's what they are:

Left column: Clear Blue Fertility Monitor Box of Test Sticks, Clear Blue Fertility Monitor, Ovulation Microscope and box, Clear Blue Fertility Monitor Used Test Sticks.

Middle column: Superdrug Box of Ovulation Sticks, Cheapie Boxes of Ovulation Sticks, Superdrug Used Test Sticks (pink handles), Cheapie Test Sticks (green handles).

Right column: Boxes of Cheapie Pregnancy Tests, Clearblue Digital Test, Three Midstream Pregnancy Tests taken on various days, Cheapie Pregnancy Test (blue handle) the first pregnancy test taken, Cheapie Ovulation Test (green handle) taken recently to test the theory that you get positive ovulation tests when pregnant, Basal Body Thermometer (for charting daily temperature to pinpoint ovulation).

That's a lot of peeing on sticks! :)

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