Young Gent.

First image taken had to be aborted. I was walking along the railway line taking pictures of the guys laying down these huge sheets of polythene in the fields. "Mmmm, wonder if I can get the tractor into the shot too?" thinks I. Yep no problem. All nicely silhouetted against the reflected light from the plastic. Then I did a double take. The tractor had stopped and I hadn't realised why. The road was on the other side of the field and the driver was at the back of the tractor peeing. He had clearly tried to obscure the view of the people on the road (although they were so far away they couldn't possibly have seen anything) but he hadn't counted on me being on the other side. Thank goodness I was only armed with a 35mm!

Avoiding the guys in the field the second image was taken facing the other way. It's looking north up the Strathmore valley towards Glamis. Then after spending a bit of time watching the swallows in the park (they look so blue when the light reflects off their backs) I went up to the shop to pick up some bits and bobs. That's where I got today's image. Quite the young gent!

PS Thanks for letting me take the pic Kirsty!

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