Tea and cake

In the garden in the sunshine - why yes, thankyou, I might just!

Mum has tea, I have a strawberry and mango fruit infusion thing, Ben has hot chocolate with a bit of coffee in. There were marshmallows on top, briefly :)

I had a nap this afternoon, I ended up taking my lunch up to bed with me because I was so tired and hungry that I couldn't eat it sitting at the table. It still amazes me how I can go from "ok" to "starving and unable to function" in less than 20 minutes.

We'd been shopping this morning and I was pleased to discover that if I'm not having to push the trolley I can manage a shopping trip. But evidently not the subsequent unpacking and making of lunch...

Bad night last night. Even though Ben was asleep in bed having eaten a fair bit of pasta bolognese by 7.30pm (in time for me to go see my girlies at 7.45 yippee!) he woke at around 3am and climbed into bed with us and spent the next few hours either latched on or suddenly crying, as if he were having a bad dream or something. It didn't help that I suddenly found myself wide awake at 2.30am and struggled to get back to even a dozing state after that, let alone fully asleep.

Anyway. Lie-in this morning and nap this afternoon and I am hoping for an early night tonight as Ben hasn't napped again today and so in theory I can choose my bedtime.

And there's a ham almost cooked in the oven, potatoes and carrots to peel and cook, and Steve should be almost home by now as well. Mmm. Food. Looking forward to that.

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