Geoff Davis / Folk School

By bluestone

One of These Days

I spend 2-3 hours a day driving to and from work. It's time I've resigned to simply give up. It's quiet time. It's thinking time. It's wasted time.

Almost daily I see accidents. Cars pulled over, police lights flashing, tow trucks driving up the shoulder, traffic backed up for miles are all typical sights along the 26 mile route.

The laws of averages indicate that some of these incidents will involve me and my car. I've had two minor bumps over the eleven years of this commute -- both caused by people turning in front of me -- and I hope that I am never part of a scene like this.

This collision involved a car and a bicycle. I suspect that the bicyclist lost and is being attended to by the paramedics. Perhaps the worried looking young lady was driving the car. Bikes aren't allowed to travel this highway. Perhaps it was struck when crossing. I'll never know, but it's a reminder to remain diligent during this mind numbing drive.

School's out next week and my commute is reduced to a six block bicycle ride (that doesn't cross any highways) to my studio.

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