Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle


Scintilla has signed me up for an online photo class on "the art of seeing". It is my early birthday present and we are doing the class together as a symbolic brotherly love kind of thing.

I am somewhat hampered though due to a stumble down the basement steps while getting ready to grind (sharpen) the blades on the brush hog.

As usual after falling due to my own stupidity I am dissappointed in myself for my lack of caution but I am glad I'm not hurt worse (an avulsion fracture off the superior aspect of the right navicular). So a few weeks in a fracture boot and on crutches and I should be good as new.

Anyway I have to shoot a photo assignment on line, texture, pattern and colour and my short term handicap is somewaht limiting my ability to search out interesting subject matter.


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