Newly designed caravan... by Pippa
In art school Pippa has been really busy designing and making a scale model for a new type of caravan. I'm not sure why she chose to integrate snowmen into the design, but I like the shape of them. She has included a free standing double bed, dining table and chairs, lounge chair, television and side table.
I guess, cooking needs to be done outside ;-)
The photo is taken in the art school, after cleaning up. Both Abbie and Pippa were excited when I picked them up. Their art teacher (who is on maternity leave) came in to show off her new baby. Pippa took a while to get to like the replacement teacher, who's really good as well. As Pippa is not very good with change. But as you can see, she is well used to her now as the caravan project was the replacement teacher's idea.
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