Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

The boys meet Molly the Gorgeous Collie!

Well another busy day as we headed to St.Ives and met up with Ann and MollyCollie. Molly is as gorgeous as she looks on Blip and looked very dapper in her bandana. She was having a whale of a time chasing the seagulls and watching the world go by whilst me and Ann had a natter and got to know each other. Ann kindly allowed me to photo her, Molly and the boys for my Blip today.

Casper was most ungentlemanly and wanted to sniff Molly's lovely bum after it was Ann's Blip earlier in the week! She soon gave him short thrift and rightly so. We have said we will all meet up again properly later in the year so Ann and I can have a G&T and the pups can have a proper run around. LilyTheLab will also want some of the action I feel, as will her owner Sarah!

Once again it was lovely to put a face to the words on Blip and it never fails to surprise me what a lovely community Blip is. It has been lovely to meet three fellow Blippers this week whilst we have been down here.

St Ives was busy but lovely. When we left home it was threatening rain but it was like being in a foreign country with the gorgeous turqouise blue sea and cool breeze (I most definitely did not need my Uggs!). Heavenly. We went past Saint Michael's Mount on th eway home and we are now home with a G&T in hand!!

Have a fab evening all x x

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