Pink Flower
Please take that for the computer Mummy, pointing at the flower outside the frontdoor. So I had to oblige.
Carys woke this morning without a snotty nose. Hurray! And went to nursery, double hurray! William didn't go to Tina's until 11.30 as she had an appointment so we headed into town to do a few jobs and then home for a play, or so I thought. William had other ideas and fell asleep on my knee at 10.15. He slept until I moved to take him to Tina at 11.15.
Carys was adamant she wanted to go to Tumble tots so off we went. When we got back she asked if she could do some painting (I bought some paints at ELC last week), so I set her up and an hour and a half and five master pieces later she stopped. Next she wanted to play hairdressers, so I sat while she put a number of clips in my hair having brushed it all very carefully first. She then informed me that I had to keep them in to pick up William. I think not my darling.
Pleased that she is so much more like her normal self, but could do without the tired hysteria that has happened at bedtime the last two nights. Fingers crossed for tomorrow when Daddy is out and not around for bedtime.
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