Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

A real live blipper!

Look who we met today - Casper & Stanley and their owner Kirstie (from Pigeon's Blog). They were visiting St Ives for the day so we met up with them so that I could have a play. Casper & Stanley are ever such nice little spaniels and their owner Kirstie is nice too. Blippers are such lovely people!

I got to wear my bandana because meeting two doggies from Blip in real life is a 'special occasion'. Don't we all look smart?

I think I behaved myself well enough for kirstie to tell all the other blippers how nice I am in real life.

Ann and Kirstie said that next time they meet they'll have to go for a drink. Honestly - any excuse! I think the next time we meet we should go to a big beach so that I can have a proper play with Casper & Stanley.

PS - Both our blips from yesterday made it onto the 'spotlight' page and were right next to each other - how weird is that??

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