Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


Well - here it is. My 365th blip, no gaps!

Those of you who are familiar with my journal are probably a bit disappointed that this isn't more creative/whizzy/weird and I do apologise for that. I had many ideas and I won't bore you with the reasons as to why I didn't end up doing any of them.

I started doing blip to improve my photography skills and I think I've done that (although there's still a scary amount left to learn!). What I wasn't expecting though was to develop my style of photography as much as I have done. I'd no idea that I'd discover an interest in doing self-portraits and blip's reawakened a creative side of me that I thought had long since disappeared.

I'm not sure what the future holds really. Now I've reached 365, I might slow down and just take photos when there's something worth photographing. I might also find another outlet for my photos as many of the ideas I have might be too dark or edgy for blip. We'll see.

As for my favourite blips over the last year.....
- The weekly film blips I do with the lovely wintersixfour of which Zombies is the one I like best.
- Of the SPs, then Woohoo! Look Mum, No Hands! and Random Naked Thursday: Revisited
- Also An Interesting Day

Thank you to everyone who's subscribed, popped by, encouraged, put up with me and my increasingly loose grasp of reality, or inspired me over the last year.

Anyway, as regular viewers will know, I'm partial to a glass of fizz, so I thought it would be appropriate to toast my 365th with a drop or two. I got two glasses out, just incase the lovely chap that jkj10 blipped yesterday happened to pop round in need of some refreshment ;-)

This is best biggified

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