The List Lady

By listlady


My first SHUSH present arrived today!

Let me introduce you to SHUSH. As part of SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) at this time of year, heading downhill to the summer hoildays, staff take part in a bit of a marathon secret santa type thing. Those who want to take part start by filling in some info about themselves - ie favourite food, place you'd like to visit, hobbies - etc. All questionnaires are then put in blank envelopes in a big bag, and each person picks one. The idea is that you then buy your 'SHUSH' little presents based on the info on their form, aiming for at least one each week to the end of term. Who is buying for whom stays a secret right to the end of term when we have a 'coming out' party. Great fun!

Today's gift to me covers my desire to meet David Tennant and that I would happily eat chocolate and seafood all day!

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