Beefy Lorelei

By beefylorelei

First pressie!

This was the first 40th present I opened. I whooped I was so pleased!

I've wanted one of these for years 'cause it is a favourite film of mine. Terrified first time I watched it, developed an interest in sharks and loved watching my eldests terrified face when she watched it. If nothing else it gives you a healthy respect/fear for the sea!

Would be hard to choose an all time favourite film but this would def be top 5 along with Restless Natives and Where the Wild Things Are.

Others that would make top 10 would be
It's a Wonderful Life
Close Encounters
Big Lebowski
Silence of the Lambs
Riding Giants
And a few others but I won't bore you.

Anyway, I am delighted with the poster and my lovely wife got it framed along with 2 other significant images. But more of them
In the next few days.

I declare this series of pics

"My presents"

Thanks for looking

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