life in 4x6

By macdoughnut

Shoot the Moon

Day 267

Took a strole (or rather a power walk) up the hill behind our house last night, and managed to miss the best of the sunset. Poor meg couldn't understand why I insisted we leg it uphill, just to stand about on the top for half an hour. But it was such a still night that all the twilight sounds could be hear loud and clear, the ki-krik of partriges and the distant gekkering of a dog fox.

It's incredible at this time of year, a whole hour after the sun has set, there is still lots of light in the sky, so this is when this picture was take (heavily cropped). Think I'll need to have another go at shooting the moon when there isn't a massive front coming over!

Pussy cat update, the little black puss is still missing.

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