Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

On The Catbird Seat

I heard a bird singing loudly this afternoon and it was the gray catbird... and it was actually fairly close by. I grabbed the camera and as soon as I snapped, it turned looked at me and then was gone. I see these birds quite a bit, but they are hard for me to photograph.

The gray catbird is energetic, nosy, noisy & likes to copy the sounds of other species and make their own song. They can make a cat like meow sound also. Whenever your around the garden and yard the catbird may be over your shoulder looking at what you are doing.

I noticed this morning when I left there must have been a brouhaha at the birdbath during the night. It was turned over, not sure what animal had been by. Maybe my next blip will be commotion at the birdbath :)

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