Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Return of the Siskins

OOps , uploaded before I'd time to write the blip. never mind , not too much to say today after all the excitement of yesterday's Duck Derby today was a quiet uneventful day spent gardening in the warm sun, then a long walk along the loch with Oscar ,our son Alec and his dog.

The garden has been full of birds over the weekend and today the siskins returned, this one was quite a timid wee siskin and waited patiently for his turn at the feeder.

The poppy still has its Davy crocket hat although now very small , I thought the sun today might have helped the flower to get rid of the remaining husk , should be off tomorrow , I think.

What an easy life in retirement with time to sit and watch these"happenings" after the crazy hustle and bustle of working life.

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