SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip


We couldn't come to Scotland and not head to Edinburgh!

What a fantastic day!

We had quite specific plans for the day, which started with a walk down Princes Street and a purchase of new shoes for R. We then stopped for lunch just off the Royal Mile which was lovely. Then a wander up the Royal Mile to the castle. We spent a good 3 hours in the castle, a really good experience and I gained a lot from it. I am trying to find out about my history. My Grandfather on my Dads side was Scottish originating from Ardrossan and while in Scotland I have been trying to find out a little more about my family history. I know my Grandad was in the army in WWII and was in a Scottish Regiment but thats as much as I know and I am finding it frustrating now that I can't pick up the phone to ask Dad and that I am not in touch with anyone that would know, especially about his brother who I believe died in the war. So the war memorial at the castle was very interesting.

Afterwards we went on the (slightly cliche and corny possibly) tartan hunt. I believe that the family name is a sept of the Stuart of Bute. I had the a very Scottish surname till I was in my late teens and changed it, very stupid decision! I do know that I have relatives still in Scotland but have no way of contacting them.

Through out the day slowly but surely we were shedding the layers... having started out with coats and jumpers Edinburgh was providing us with the best weather all week and boy it was hot! So much so that we both had to nip to Boots before our evening engagement to buy deodorant and face wipes to freshen up with!

In the evening we met fellow blipper Sailfish and B, I have basically grown up with B and Sailfish as we all belonged to the same canoe club back in Yorkshire, they are even longer time friends of R and it was a very much important catch up for the 3 of them. It was a lovely evening of good food, catching up, laughter and constant chatter. I will make sure its not as long before we catch up next time! After this week I am sure we will be back in Scotland soon!

Thank you to Sailfish for the lift back to the park and ride. We got back to the cabin at 12am after a lovely day!

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