Capital adventures

By marchmont


Not an exciting day for blipping.

W H and G back to work, G (#1 son btw) in his first day as an untrained, uncertificated PE teacher at an International primary school. oes to get the shot. Never thought I'd have a PE teacher for a son.

I spent the morning catching up on e-mails and photos and blips and trying to work out why my Ekit SIM wasn't making outgoing calls.

Than it was down to the pool to chill in the semi sunshine. It doesn't seem that humid and it's not particularly sunny but it was good just to lie and relax. Had a go at practising what I was mugging up in the G12 book last night - some trial shots of the pool and sky, trying to get rid of the 'blinkies'. Must have looked a bit odd lying on my tummy at the poolside.

This one of the frangipani lining the pool is much prettier - even if I did have to stand on my toes to get the shot.

7 p.m. and the workers are still not home - poor things left before 7 this morning.

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