Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

50 in Four Months

"50 in Four Months" is the title that one of my students gave his final essay in English 50. I liked the title. Most of my students neglected to put a title on their draft. I want to scream (in writing) on the top of each of their essays, "Where's the Title? I've been telling you ALL semester that your essays need a title!" But I refrained. The next instructor can tell them. I suppose it was the stress of writing an in-class essay; they just forgot the title. Anyway, the student with the good title also wrote an interesting essay.

I woke this morning with an enormous headache. All weekend I've been battling with one and can't seem to defeat it. So I stayed in bed and Mr. Fun headed off to church (who wants to stay home with a headachy wife?) and I slept till 11:00 a.m. with the three pooches holding down the bed along with me.

When Mr. Fun arrived home later, he joined us on the bed. Immediately the pooches were all over him . . . licking and kissing. Drives him crazy. He was immediately snoozing and I was grading student papers.

When my headache started raging again mid-afternoon I went downstairs to find the coffee that Mr. Fun had made for me this morning. After drinking a rewarmed cup and swallowing another dose of ibuprofen, the headache starting retreating. Relief!

So I've got the essays all graded now. I need to grade another minor project they did previous to the essay. Then I need to record grades. Seems like I don't have time to be blipping; it is so much more fun, though! Okay, enough nonsense for now.

Seven years ago today President Reagan died. He would 100 this year.
Thirty years ago today aids was first reported.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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