Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics


Didn't have a plan for my 200th blip and was just going to do 'any old thing' which is what this is anyway I guess. Anyhoo, while we were in town we drove by the Chrysler sales lot and I spotted this 200. That's the name of the car.
So I took this and then did a little messing around in picnik with it. Can't believe I'm at 200 already. I've really been enjoying this. There've been a few times when I didn't know what to shoot some days, but managed to find something and some of those are blips that have been favorited. Go figure. I'm the first one to admit I don't always know what I'm doing. I've been quite pleased with some and others I've taken really aren't that blipworthy. I haven't missed a day (unless you count a couple of backblips) and hope I can make it to 365 without missing any. I love looking at your journals and so enjoy my blip-friends from around the world. Thanks to all that have looked at my journal, left comments, stars and hearts. I appreciate all of you. :-) xxx

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