Lali's World

By Lali

Details 7 - The Inebriated Newt

The Inebriated Newt Deluxe Blended Scotch Whisky.

I had literally seconds to sneak in the whisky collection at work and take this picture. This is one of my favourites in the collection. I think this is a hilarious name for a whisky! I don't think it would be very much approved by the current licencing laws though, hahahaha!

Drunk as a skunk, pissed as a newt. Wonder why skunks and newts are associatied with drunken bums. One of those mysteries!

I had a much better day today than yesterday. It wasn't as busy and the day went faster as well. No rude remarks from anybody either, which is always good.

The weather was really overcast. Not very nice and too cold for summer. I hope next week we get a bit more warmth.

Good news is that I'm off tomorrow!!!! :)

Thanks very much for all your comments! I hope you all had a nice Sunday! :)

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