A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A whippersnapper of a journey

This was today's journey. Out of the total of almost 1400 miles we've covered in the last 10 days it was nothing and clear roads meant we were even on the lighter side of the google maps estimate.

Fun night in the hotel yesterday with room service and BGT final. Followed by a post breakfast swim in the hotel pool this morning before setting off. This is now the second year we have ended our Whit week holiday this way and it's such a nice way to have a gradual end to the holiday it was well worth repeating.

Meantime it's another Sunday night I am doing a quick blip before catching up on 2 weeks worth of Dr Who. Hope my tired brain can keep up.

Looking forward to finding some time this week for some blip catch-ups. It's been a quiet week with little Internet and I feel ready to plug back into the matrix.

Lesley x

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