
Juno and I headed to the allotment for last minute watering as it was hot. I was heading away with the girls football team on tour to Grimest Yorkshire.

I had tried to convince the ecos son to take the dog out but to no avail, 'My name is Earl' a prefered option.

It was hot and Juno just wanted to swim in the river which was fine.

Back home, made banana cake and packed.

Off on the tour 28 girls and 10 volunteers. Lovely journey down the road.

We were staying in an agriculture college, so girls dorms/houses sorted and fed. We played fun games and off to sleeping areas at 10.30.

Our squad wanted to sleep in one area, so we allowed all 11 to come into our house of 8 single rooms, 3 in most rooms.

A quiet night except one homesick girl to look after at 1.30 am.

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