
By RustyKlicker

Lavender Bud : Day 2

We had a rather nice, shortish lie in this morning, we don't really lie in but anything past the usual 6.30am is good.

Mrs K managed a round of golf with her friend and neighbour across the road, while I had a leisurely read of the Sunday paper (property section, for business, not moving) and headed off to the 'other project' to get some more painting and clearing up done. Mrs K joined me later and we have done rather well.

The dinner is cooking and I am just blipping day 2 of the Lavender bud opening before we sit down.

I have never watched the process or progress the bud makes but I am strangely fascinated by it. Life through a macro lens looks rather different.

Don't think we are doing much this evening but another browse online might be in order. I am considering a return to a road bike for some cycling exercise and need to update myself on the technology before deciding on a course of action to buy a bike.

Hope you have all had a good weekend.

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