Moremore Splash!!

19 months 15 days

This afternoon has been one of my favourites. Ever.

She was delighted to go to church as The Cousins were all there and she's not seen them in a while. They had lots of cuddles, smiles and hugs after the service, before I packed Katie in the car. We went to the shop to buy some more picnic food - Katie had already eaten almost all of it after church! She fell asleep on the way from the shop.

I'd decided we'd go to East Park, for some Mummy and Katie time. I let her sleep for twenty minutes after arriving, then woke her up. She wanted to go to the swings, and I'd said we would go see the animals that they have there. So off we set. However, we got rather distracted. For the first time in the visits we've made to this park, their huge water area was open. It's got big spurting bits, mini waterfalls, really shallow pools, rocks, little gulleys of water, Katie saw it and wanted to go see. We then spent over two hours playing in the water.

Katie was completely fabulous to watch. I sat down by the edge, with the things at one point, and thought she'd stop playing and come sit too. She didn't, she was happy to go and play with the big children, running in and out of the fountains, laughing away. She would keep running back to me, for some more to eat, for a cuddle, patting my back, grinning at me and then running back. It was wonderful to see her so confident, both to go and play and to run into these large squirting fountains. The blip isnt techically wonderful, but her expression totally is! I do love this one.

After a while, she came and had a snuggle, put her cardi and a dry vest on. Then ran straight back in! She only came out to see a squirrel that was incredibly tame and let me take Katie to about 2 feet away. He was eating a strawberry that someone had dropped, looking very cheeky.

I did take her to the swings after she'd dried off, but not before she'd run saying bye bye to the bits of the "splash", and byebye to the squirrel. She was insistent all the way to the swings that Monkey would swing to, and he did. We stopped at an ice cream van and bought her a mini milk and me a cornet. Yeah right. Katie ate the whole cornet.

Today really was a wonderful day with my gorgeous little girl.

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