
By LuckyJim

The neglect-mobile

Sad (well, silly) news to report - the colony of about 20 pigeons who lived in the loft opposite our flat have been given the bum's rush. The broken wee skylight that they've sneaked in and out of for longer than we've lived here was replaced today. I keep glancing out to see the forlorn group sitting on the roof, wondering what to do with themselves and no doubt getting colder than they're used to. Every so often, one of them walks down onto the new pane of glass and turns around a few times in a perplexed fashion. :(

Laurinha was working from home today and has had her eye on them for a while.

Piegons mate for life, don't they? I wonder if they try and settle down somewhere cosy for life too? Tempted to build a small wooden doo'cot on our roof to rehouse them.

Or maybe I should let them use my neglected old knacker of a car?

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