Cindi's 2011 Journal

By cindiscoles

A "PIG's LIfe"

Took a trip to the Fresh Market with Tabatha and Jason after she had an "in out" hospital procedure. Her results were good, but she still wasn't stable enough to walk. Jason pushed her in the wheelchair for a bit, but then she started getting the hang of it herself. (photo on fb)

It was a fun trip, I had never been to the Fresh Market before. Next time I'll be taking Greg to the one here in Macon. He would have loved it, the meat was fresh, the vegetables are so colorful and BIG. It was just a world of difference compared to a regular grocery store.

I thought this display of hamburger meat was very creative by the butcher and placed right next to the bacon.

I've attaced a link to the other photos I took, didn't have my camera so had to use my cell phone. Not the best quality but you get can get an idea of the atmosphere.

Fresh Market

Enjoy your night All!

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