I am rosco

By iamrosco

On the nose

Oh yes, what a day, it all came together - sun, setting, company, betting.

Wait, maybe not that last one. It was certainly part of the day, but not the main reason - I don't want you thinking I've got a problem you know. It does have a nice ring to it though, so it's staying.

Anyway, good chat, great spirit (atmosphere, not booze....well, ok , booze too, but not spirits til later - I'm not a complete fool) and the sun. Absolutely glorious. Not to mention that the GG out in front here got came in for me on the nose - best of the day (for me).

Never been to the races before, and Musselburgh was a great intro to it all. Lots of action, a good buzz, and the odd celeb too - although why Kenny felt the need to come dressed in his full (away) strip incl name and number, rounded off with astro boots, I'll never know. If anything, studs were more appropriate given the underfoot conditions - going good I think I heard it described. Surely he'd just want a quiet day out without being hassled for photos all the time - JP, you played a blinder there. Odd thing is, I thought the telly was meant to add 10 lbs, not take off double...

Ended off back in town with my first visit to Scobes' HQ, aka the infamous Beard and Cardigan. Enjoyed a few Citras with the guys, and a big thanks to Edwardss for putting myself and L up after for some curry - that made this morning a lot easier to handle.

Hope yer all havin' a good weekend

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