
This is Cara, one of the cats who lives next door. Their other cat is Mitzi who doesn't go outside at all, but Cara seems to enjoy sitting in the garden and is pals with our three.

Good day today, I was up early to take Maddy to her first TKD grading. She seemed to do ok and is feeling fairly confident.

She was meant to go to Aberlady after that for the gala but her brace had been adjusted yesterday and it was apparently really sore so she wasn't up for it. Roz and I had booked a resturant for tonight so Maddy had a friend down and wee niped into town for coffee at Wellingtons then a trip to the spa followed by dinner at the Cavalry Club it's somewhere I've always fancied trying but somehow never got round to.

The food was fantastic and I probably ate too much. I certainly didn't need to finish off with gulab jamun and pistachio kulfi but it seemed like a good idea at the time. The only slight dissapointment was that the cup of Darjeeling I ordered at the end of teh meal was a twinings tea-bag rather than proper first flush darjeeling. Oh well, everything else was great and I'd highly recommend it. Fantastic selection for veggies too.

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