Deadeye Owen....

....can I start by saying that I know giving guns to a child isn't safe or considered PC, so let me assure you that these ancient things are very much museum pieces and haven't fired a shot in anger in many centuries. Owen isn't allowed toy guns....however he makes a bee-line for them whenever we visit Grandma....what can you do?

Deadeye is toting a couple of snaplock pistols, which we believe were made in Scandanavia in the mid-1500's. They were brought to Scotland from Malta where it is thought they might have been used in the Seige of Malta, where the Order of Saint John(mostly Spanish) gave the Ottoman army (mainly Turkish) a thick ear in an early form of the European Cup.

Interesting old things and the combination of weight and iron studs on them would make them particularly useful for braining enemies once the shot had run out. Charming really.

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