Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Almost There

What a change in the weather today, back to being cold , so much so I think the poppy got to the stage where it was almost ready but just needed some more warmth from the sun.

Got tonight's shot this morning before heading of to Dumbarton to se the Son's Suporters match , and what good fun it was! Some really good players in there including Campbell 's son ( superhero). I did get a shot of Campbell proudly walking off the field hand in hand with his lovely grandson after doing his photographer at the pre match line up. I was thinking of blipping that one but thought I might embarrass him. Great to chat with you again Campbell, see you at the pre -season friendly.

Anyway hope you like the way the poppy head is developing , hopefully it should be in full flower tomorrow.

I should be uploading the final stage tomorrow unless I get a fun shot at the Duck Derby in Furnace. Yes you read correctly we have our annual river race tomorrow with bright yellow plastic ducks - a fundraiser for the community hall. You have to be a wee touch mad to live here when this is one of the highlights of the year.
Watch this space.
Have a great Sunday.

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