
By blowfish


this is Ryoko. she is a vegetarian and animal lover; she plays piano/keyboards in an instrumental metal band; and she works tirelessly for any friend or family member. and because of all of this, she is an amazing (weak word, truly--inarticulatable) friend.

i would write a lot more detailed information but it was kind of a whirlwind day with lots of driving and drinking (not at the same time). and i have to wake up in five hours to go ride a bike for 50+ miles in the 100 degree F heat. these beers aren't going to sit so well then, i'd wager. oh well, fuck it, when in Rome, you can sleep when you're dead, etc. etc.

ps: i owe so many of you real commentary and feedback. this will come when we return to FW. also, no scheduled blip for Saturday...backblip to come on Sunday (probably).

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