Another Day

By pcc

My Indian Elephants

Another grey day today, but I managed to do some washing, and also some gardening.
Felt really happy getting into my garden at last. I also went to the gym and took it quietly. Mind you I had too as it had been a good long time since I had been there.
Now no creative juices working today, and no big find of exciting insects in the garden.

These elephants have been sitting for years in an insignificant place in my lounge, but I still like them.
I made them back in the 70's when ceramics was all the craze.
I made may other things, but these are all that I kept, and I have never tired of them.
Hope you like them too.

Elephants are such wonderful animals, and it was such a joy to see them in their natural habitat when in Namibia.

I think that maybe I will have to qualify - I made them- in ceramics you were given the mould and if I remember rightly we sanded and cleaned all the imperfections, and then we painted them - several times - and had them fired. So in reality it came from a mould.

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