not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

i have got one too

Today has been hot again,it has been cooler in the flat so is nice to be in doors. Had a panic first thing Keith went to finish of his job when he came back he said he had lost his Keys some where going to the house across the road so we set two and looked for them but we could not find them thinking he had dropped them in the road he went to the police to let them know is any one gave them in.

So we took molly for a good walk as a nice day that tierd her out good so she got just alittle walk this evening. We went to family and had a BBQ for tea. When we were there the lady Keith had painted the door for rang him and he had to go and sort some thing out. He came back and guess what he had got he's keys they had gone down the back of her heater.

Any way back to the picture molly had notice the trend going on with the dogs on blip and wanted to join in and as had not gone to get here a bandana she had one of her dad's Neck warmers that he wears for snowboarding. It will have to do till i can get her one she did not want to be out done by the molly on blip mollycollie

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