
Crystals. This place is phenomenally gorgeous. We ate at one of Wolfgang Puck's pizzerias and gawked at the designer clothing. I am a little curious as to how many Gucci and Prada stores are located on the Vegas strip alone. 4? 5? All within ridiculous walking distance to each other.
It's a shame they don't have a Nikon store here. If I had been winning this week, that's the first place I'd stop.
Walked all over the strip today and back. The weather is awesome. And we didn't lose at Three Card Poker OR Blackjack today -- Huzzah! A win for everyone! Or just us. New York, New York was awesome this morning too. And seeing the Nine Fine Irishmen brings back memories of St. Patrick's Day 2004. Wink, wink. Just kidding. What happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas. Mostly. Damn my excellent memory.

Let's see.. we gambled at New York, New York, Planet Hollywood, and Bill's (formerly Barbary Coast). And went to see Zumanity after Brighton's sister showed up tonight. That show is sex-y, sex-y. Bodies are beautiful.

I must have said it every day as soon as we walked out the door of our hotel room: My eyes are having orgasms. I cannot get enough of the lights and sights of Las Vegas. I'm mesmerized.

Runners Up:
Paris, Las Vegas

*I love the architecture all around the city. I love seeing what having more money than God can build. That's not sacrilegious, right?

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