bridget riley's eyesight

By gail


As Mr Hesse and I were headed towards 200 blips at the same time we decided in order for neither one of us the beat the other to it (although technically I should have allowed Mr H to as he introduced me to blip (but technically I did upload first - hah)) to do a joined/joint one.

Quite an undertaking but I think we made it in the end!

Thank you to everyone who has looked, commented and entertained throughout. What fun I have had, and it certainly makes you look at the world in a slightly different way. And above all, thanks to the folk at Blipcentral for making it all work!

Here is the whole photograph, and here's how they looked as thumbnails for posterity!

And here are my faves from the last 200, in no particular order.

Marine Boy
Farmers Wife
Andy Goldsworthy at the YSP
Brighton Rocks!
Barriers in the city
How to stack carrots
The Aftermath

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