Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Party Day

Preschool Party Day!

Our son's two years of preschool have come to an end. So today, we celebrated his accomplishments at his preschool party.

Face paints. I knew that once our daughter warmed up, she would be visiting the face painting station. This high schooler did a wonderful job of drawing a rainbow on side and a heart on the other. Our son has never shown any interest in face paint so he skipped the station. But our nephew emerged from the face painting little chair as a kitty cat.

It was nice spending time with all of the families that we have gotten to know over the past two years. Some that we have made some lasting connections with and others that at one time or another, we will most likely see within the community at different school events and sports functions.

It was sad saying goodbye to his teacher. She has been a wonderful influence in his life. I tell her all the time that she really helped to boost his imaginative side. Her carefree nature and ability to allow the kids to build and express themselves through projects really sparked an interest in creative play for him. We now save all of our recyclables so that he can create projects with tape and the stapler. Two of his favorite things. And many of these creations can found in various locations around the house.

Our son is thrilled to be moving on to a new school. He is excited about new friends. I know that the first day will be a bit overwhelming for him but we been to the school to visit a small handful of times and he will be ready to embrace it this fall. Actually this morning before the preschool party, we went to his school to watch the neighbor boy perform a piano solo at his talent show. His family couldn't come to we told him that we would be there. His response, "SWEET!". And the little picture that I took of our son standing next to him after the performance was adorable. They will enjoy going to the same school next year.

Our babies are growing up. And what I feel so fortunate about is that they are growing up around so much positivity. A positive spirit and attitude will take them such a long way in life.

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